Journal of Applied Information Science and Technology
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Published by Information Technology Application Group (ITAG) International

Journals & Books
ISSN 22141-1913
Editorial Advisers
                Volume. 1 No.1 (2007)

                Volume. 1 No.2 (2008)

                Volume. 2 (2009)

                Volume. 3 (2010)

                Volume. 4 (2011)

                Volume. 5 (2012)

                Volume. 6 (2013)

                Volume. 7 No.1 (2014)
Volumn 7 No. 2 (2014)

Volume 8 No. 1 (2015)

Volume 8 No. 2 (2015)

Volume 9 No.1 (2016) 

Volume 9 No.2 (2016) 

Volume 10 No.1 (2017) 

Volume 10 No.2 (2017) 

Volume 10 No.3 (2017) 

Volume 11 No.1 (2018) 

Volume 11 No.2 (2018) 

Volume 12 No.1 (2019) 

Volume 12 No.2 (2019) 

Volume 13 No.1 (2020) 

Volume 13 No.1 (2020) 

Volume 13 No.2 (2020) 

Volume 14 No.1 (2021) 

Volume 14 No.2 (2021) 

Volume 14 No.1 (2021) 

Volume 15 No.1 (2022) 

Volume 15 No.2 (2022) 

Volume 16 No.1 (2023) 

Volume 16 No.2 (2023) 

Dr. David Raitt,
Senior Technology Transfer Officer European Space Agency
The Netherlands  & Editor,
The Electronic Library

Prof. Ephiphay Azinge (SAN)
Nigeria Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
University of Lagos Campus
Akoka Lagos

Prof. Olukayode S. Oyediran
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
University of Lagos, Nigeria.

Modiu I Sanni
Petroleum Engineer
Reservoir Engineering Technology Team
ELPE Technology Department
Saudi Arabia Oil Company

Abraham Azubuike
Chief Librarian
Economic Commission of Africa
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Dr. L. N. Ikpaahindi
National Librarian (formerly)
National Library of Nigeria

P. Oluwatoyin
Collage of Automation 
Harbin Engineering University

F. Ojelabi 
Director of Academic Planning
University of Ibadan, Ibadan.

Prof. Sunday Reju (Ph.D)
National Open University of Nigeria
Lagos Nigeria

Jire Fagbola (Ph.D)
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Ibadan, Ibadan

Associate Editor
M. O. Okoye (Ph.D)
Library Department
University of Nigeria, Nsukka 

Quality Control Editor
C. I. Ugwu
Library Department
University of Nigeria

Typesetting Specialist
Ozoagu James A.
University of Nigeria
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Maiden issue editorial

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C.O. Omekwu, PhD,
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(i) Status and Institutional Affiliation:
JAIST is a publication of the Information Technology Group with institutional affiliation to the Library Department of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

(ii) Vision:
The vision is to provide a platform for scholars, researchers and professionals to publish scholarly works on Information Science and Technology .While studies in Information Science will provide  theoretical framework for understanding the information phenomenon the applied information technology perspective is aimed at discussing how ICT tools and technology affect the way we live and do things.

(iii) Mission:
JAIST aims at providing a forum for scholars, researchers and professionals to showcase studies on information technology application across all disciplines. JAIST’s latitude of discourse will therefore be multidisciplinary and global. Moreover, scholars from the medicals, physical, and biological sciences are welcome to contribute on how ICT is redefining and impacting their wok culture and experience. Papers are also welcome from the disciplines of arts, social sciences, engineering, computer technology, law, education, library, etc.

(iv) Core Values:
JAIST upholds excellence, professionalism, high scholarship and robust discussion of issues and a demonstrable mastery of the topic(s).Topics discussed in their research and development context will be given priority. Therefore while complex statistical analyses are welcome, these figures must be explained in their developmental contexts. They must be applicable to practical issues, experiences, societal impacts and policy formulation and programme execution. Contributions that are anchored on lessons of experience are particularly welcome.

(v) Peer review mechanism:
The journal  promotes scholarly communication and papers submitted to it are subjected to blind peer-review process .The Editor-in-chief is not under any obligation to accept any paper or give explanation why a paper is rejected .Corrections suggested by peer-reviewers will however be brought to the attention of contributors

(vi) Editorial Board:
The Editorial Board is composed to reflect the global and multi-disciplinary perspectives of the journal and is made up of scholars, researchers and practitioners.

(vii) ISSN:
The National Library of Nigeria assigned International Serial Number for JAIST is: